International Youth Exchanges

Multiperspectivity is one of the key methodological foundations of our educational work at the Max Mannheimer Study Center. It is our goal to encourage a differentiated and critical approach to and awareness of the past by highlighting and juxtaposing distinct perspectives.

For this reason, and so as to foster understanding amongst youths and young adults from different countries, the Max Mannheimer Study Center regularly holds international exchanges. The focus here is on initiating dialogue on key issues concerning the historical past of the respective participating countries and their relationships to one another. The international exchanges are to also stimulate critical reflection on the various national views and conceptions of history.

Some of the themes of past International Youth Exchanges were: “Between Remembering and Forgetting: Difficult Places in Europe” and “War and Propaganda: an Approach to History in Europe.”

Contact person

Magdalena Geier


Telefon: 08131/6177-13

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